Why We Do What We Do

TI love crafts. All kinds of crafts. When I first started crafting with rhinestones years ago I fell in love with the process. I would have liked to share it with world but I was not in a position to to that. The idea of opening my own bling shop was never to far from my mind. But I knew that even for my personal crafts I was not sourcing good rhinestones. These crystals had no faucets and didn’t shine with the bling-bling. There was no way I could sell them.

Fast Forward to a few months ago and I secured a supplier that has some of the best bling I have ever seen. They worked with me to provide these amazing rhinestones for almost half of what others charge. I think it’s wonderful, I can get the high quality, shining, shimmering bling out to people at a affordable price.

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